CCM (Chronic Care Management)
What is CCM?
“Chronic Care Management (CCM) is a care coordination service done outside of the regular office visit for patients with multiple chronic conditions expected to last at least 12 months or until the death of the patient, and that place the patient at significant risk of death, acute exacerbations/decompensation, or functional decline. These services are typically non-face-to-face and allow eligible practitioners to bill for at least 20 minutes or more of care coordination services per month.”
More than 60% of Americans suffer from at least one chronic disease and 40% of those are battling with two or more chronic diseases. Chronic care management (CCM) can dramatically help them sustain better health.
Chronic Care Management (CCM) is a critical component of healthcare that can help to improve health outcomes and overall quality of life for your patient. Hicare Care Team will provide centralized management of your patient’s healthcare needs and care coordination. Under the supervision of a Qualified Health Professional (QHP), our Care Team will follow a personalized care plan for each patient.
Benefits of Hicare CCM
Hicare provides customized management of your patient’s healthcare needs and care coordination. From identifying candidates from your EHR to supporting billing reports for reimbursements, Hicare provides holistic care management services using our state-of-the-art platform, robust patient care management, and clinically proven devices.

Hicare CCM helps
Your Patients Get Better Outcomes and Create Additional Revenue for Your Practice
Chronic Care Management and Remote Patient Monitoring, Better Together.
By combining Chronic Care Management (CCM) services and the physiologic data received from Remote Patient Monitoring (RPM), providers can have a better insight into improving patient outcomes and intervene when needed.

Chronic Conditions Monitored
Alzheimer’s disease and related dementia
Arthritis (osteoarthritis and rheumatoid)
Atrial fibrillation
Autism spectrum disorders
Cardiovascular disease
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)
Infectious diseases like HIV and AIDS
CCM Reimbursement
With new Medicare reimbursement and improvements in device technologies, Hicare CCM Reimbursement can provide optimized resources, software and devices that are right for your patients. Reduce hospital readmissions and improve patient compliance and outcomes.
CCM Code
Basic CCM
Complex CCM
Payment Code
Payment Estimate
Patients must have two or more chronic conditions that they expect to have for at least 12 months or indefinitely. At least 20 minutes of clinical staff time per calendar month
per month
Additional 20 minutes of clinical staff time per calendar month, up to two times.
per month
In addition to requirements under Basic CCM, for a patient to qualify as complex requires acknowledgment by both the provider and the patient
of an acute exacerbation. At least 60 minutes per calendar month.
per month
Each additional 30 minutes in a calendar month.
per month
Payment Code
Basic CCM
Patients must have two or more chronic conditions that they expect to have for at least 12 months or indefinitely. At least 20 minutes of clinical staff time per calendar month
Payment Estimate
per month
Payment Code
Basic CCM
Additional 20 minutes of clinical staff time per calendar month, up to two times.
Payment Estimate
per month
Payment Code
Complex CCM
In addition to requirements under Basic CCM, for a patient to qualify as complies requires acknowledgment by both the provider and the patient
of an acute exacerbation. At least 60 minutes per calendar month.
Payment Estimate
per month
Payment Code
Complex CCM
Each additional 30 minutes in a calendar month.